Budget Development Support

Provides consultations and guidance on preparation of study budgets for investigator-initiated studies

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Clinical Research Coordinators

Experienced fee-for-service clinical research coordinators for hire who provide study-related services

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Clinical Trials Unit (CTU) at USC

Provides a broad range of services to assist in the initiation and conduct of human services

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Digital & Traditional Tools for Recruitment Toolkit

This toolkit contains proven strategies and tips to help researchers develop a solid plan to recruit and retain study participants.

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Guide To Clinical Research at USC

The purpose of this Guide and the corresponding ancillary documents is to provide a clear, user-friendly overview of conducting human studies research at USC and the Keck School of Medicine. The audience for these materials is investigators and research personnel at USC and the Keck School of Medicine. Updated July 2024.

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New Study Navigation Tool

This tool will help you determine where to go to activate your clinical research study at USC, including contracting offices, review committees, and ancillary services.

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Research Match

Research Match is a useful tool that connects volunteers with studies (not just clinical trials).

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Research Navigation

Obtain assistance with any aspect of planning or conducting a human study

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Research Nurses

Research nurses balance standard of care and protocol-specific requirements in order to provide and ensure the highest level of care

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Specimen Processing

A one-stop unit for processing, storing, and shipping research samples collected from research patients

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Study Participant Recruitment Support

Obtain customized recruitment and retention strategies that fit your study’s needs, timeline, and budget

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Successful Research Recruitment: A Toolkit for a Community-Based Approach

This toolkit aims to develop greater capacity and success in research participant recruitment, particularly in the recruitment of underrepresented populations such as ethnic minorities

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Trial Innovation Network (TIN)

The TIN is a national network that focuses on operational innovation, operational excellence and collaboration and leverages the expertise and resources of the CTSA Program.

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NIH Funding Acknowledgment: Important - All publications resulting from the utilization of SC CTSI resources are required to credit the SC CTSI grant by including the NIH funding acknowledgment and must comply with the NIH Public Access Policy.