Digital Scholar Webinar: Giving Back: Strategies for Effectively Communicating Results Back to Research Participants

Digital Scholar Webinar: Giving Back: Strategies for Effectively Communicating Results Back to Research Participants

Community Engagement
Research Participant Recruitment

Digital Scholar Webinar: Recruiting Research Participants Online Using Reddit

​This 50-minute presentation introduces r/SampleSize, a community on the website Reddit that allows for online participant recruitment without compulsory or immediate payment. It will provide an overview of best practices for recruiting participants on…

Research Participant Recruitment
Clinical Trial Recruitment

Digital Scholar Webinar: What We Can Learn About Successful Citizen Science from Microbiome Research

This webinar highlights how a citizen science approach combined with an open research network helped to collect study samples from more than 20,000 participants, so far. You will learn what it takes to set up, promote and execute a citizen science project.

Research Participant Recruitment
Project Management
Clinical Trials

Digital & Traditional Tools for Recruitment Toolkit

This toolkit contains proven strategies and tips to help researchers develop a solid plan to recruit and retain study participants.

Research Participant Recruitment

Successful Research Recruitment: A Toolkit for a Community-Based Approach

This toolkit aims to develop greater capacity and success in research participant recruitment, particularly in the recruitment of underrepresented populations such as ethnic minorities

Community Engagement
Research Participant Recruitment

Digital Scholar Webinar: Creating an Effective Study Recruitment Webpage

This webinar will provide practical guidance on using the USC Clinical Studies Directory publishing tool to create a study webpage and on developing effective content so that your study can be found and read.

Scientific Communication
Research Participant Recruitment

NIH Funding Acknowledgment: Important - All publications resulting from the utilization of SC CTSI resources are required to credit the SC CTSI grant by including the NIH funding acknowledgment and must comply with the NIH Public Access Policy.